Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sparky Spin

Hey everyone, Happy New Year! Long-time-no-hear-from-me, right? Today one of my fans (Hi Pat!) asked C if my paw was broken -- bwahahaha! Get it? Cause I hadn't written a post lately? Hate to burst anyone's bubble, but I ain't much of a typist! I provide the content, not the manual labor!

So here's me and my friend LJ! He's such a cool guy, and a great flyball dog! But, more about him at a later date!

When you last saw me I was all proud of the new Santa that Charlene gave me for Christmas!

Here's how he looks now! I still love him!

I've been through lotsa squeakies! Before Santa I had several Squeaky Squirrels, a Squeaky Raccoon, and a Squeaky Fox, and then I got this new Squeaky Rabbit. Nothin' like a new squeaky!

My favorite game with a squeaky or anything else is tug-a-war. I'm ready anytime I can talk someone into grabbin' the other end!

It's kinda hard on the squeaky though...

Now my latest is Squeaky Skunk. He's a cool dude -- black and white are my favorite colors!

I had to sit and stay before I got him. Not sure why, but no problema!

I wouldn't wantcha to think that I'm a high-maintenance dog with expensive tastes! Sure, I love my squeakies, but some of the best toys are free! You mighta heard about the cold weather we had, and I sure do love ice from out of a birdbath!

And, in case you didn't know, one of the best toys is an empty plastic water bottle. There's a lot you can do with one of those! You can fetch it, or play keep-away with it, or settle down and chew on it.

I borrow one from the barn any chance I get! You oughta try one!

Just make sure no one tries to take it away from you!

Another free thing I have to play with is my tail. Watch this!

See ya soon! Woof woof!